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Use this step-by-step planning playbook and set of 22 premium tools and templates to create a comprehensive strategic marketing plan.

Follow this simple, step-by-step playbook to create an effective video marketing plan and produce engaging video content to support your marketing goals.


Use this step-by-step playbook and set of 28 premium tools and templates to develop an approach to agency selection, management and evaluation.


Follow this simple, step-by-step, playbook to develop and implement a demand generation strategy that provides a steady flow of qualified, engaged leads for your sales team.


Use this step-by-step playbook and set of 47 premium tools and templates to create a comprehensive sales enablement plan.

A template to facilitate the development of standardized interview questions for developing shopper profiles.


This video infographic provides statistics and best practices for sales enablement.

A worksheet to help sales & marketing departments align on their definition of a qualified lead.

Use this customizable checklist template to help you stay focused and organized during your first 90 days as a CMO. 

Use this account based marketing (ABM) framework to define the activities required to successfully create, plan and execute an ABM program.

Influencer Marketing Goals & Objectives Template

A template to document your Influencer Marketing program and strategic marketing/business objectives for the next 12-18 months.

Use this to evaluation and score your various suppliers.


Our Shopper Marketing Maturity Model was designed to help organizations with a roadmap for improving their shopper marketing capabilities.

Use this project plan to outline the key components of your shopper marketing program to steer the direction of your project.

Document the responsibilities and job requirements for a shopper marketing manager within your organization.


This webinar teaches you an agile, powerful and reliable process for producing above trend line growth in sales-ready leads that turn into revenue, and is an entertaining trip through the steps in this process that will help you on your way to achieving new heights in revenue production.

growth marketing checklist

Use this checklist to help build your organization's growth marketing culture and mindset.

This self-assessment tool will help you understand your employees marketing technology skillset.

Influencer Comparison and Selection Tool

Use this template to compare influencers for an upcoming Influencer Marketing campaign.

Utilize our Video Marketing Maturity Assessment to assess your organization's current Video Marketing capabilities.

Use this budget template to set and track your video marketing budgets.


This eWorkshop will present an appropriate set of questions the CMO can use to engage the CEO and we'll suggest resources that will help ensure a healthy dialogue exists between marketing and the organization it serves.

Benchmarking Your Core Competencies

A guide to help you benchmark your core competencies.


This eWorkshop will present an appropriate set of questions the CEO can use to engage the marketing function and we'll suggest resources that will help marketers to provide quality answers.


This guide provides practical advice for building a comprehensive business strategy plan.
