The State of ABM Maturity

Resource Overview

After researching the practice of Account-Based Marketing for nearly seven years, Demand Metric and MRP have compiled research into thousands of companies and their marketing teams. The following report shares insights from over 400 B2B marketers across five continents. This year’s report examines the relationship between maturity and revenue impact across ABMs’ four core strategy elements: People, Process, Technology, and Orchestration. Our hypothesis: High maturity responses to these strategy components will result in higher revenue impact.


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The first observation is that ABM has reached widespread adoption, with 67 percent of this study’s participants reporting they have activated an ABM program. Unfortunately, the mainstream adoption of ABM has not translated to consistent success. As a result, the focus of this continued research effort has shifted to understanding which mature strategy options help marketers achieve consistent and predictable revenue impact.

The results of this study confirm the validity of the research hypothesis: high maturity strategies do result in significant revenue impact, and low maturity strategies deliver negative, uncertain, and unmeasured revenue impact.

The objective is to help marketers identify specific areas of improvement and accelerate their journey - from adoption to performance - by executing a more mature ABM strategy that drives a significant revenue impact at their organization.

The following report shares insights from over 400 B2B marketers across five continents and 35 percent of them were in a vice- president or C-Suite role when they took the survey. Over half of the respondents were with companies of at least $150 million in annual revenue.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction 
  2. Key Findings
  3. Roadmap to ABM Performance 
  4. Action Plan
  5. Methodology
  6. Appendix

This 2021 State of ABM survey was administered online during the period of April 8, 2021 to May 20, 2021. During this period, 1275 responses were collected and 420 were qualified and complete enough for inclusion in the analysis. Only valid or correlated findings are shared in this report.