The State of the ABM Tech Stack

Resource Overview

Demandbase and Demand Metric recently completed research to illuminate the marketing technology stack challenges B2B firms face as they execute Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategy.


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ABM is now a familiar approach to most B2B marketers and, for many of them, the primary means of driving pipeline revenue.

As is true for many modern marketing strategies, ABM is very technology-driven and technology-dependent. Now that ABM enjoys widespread use among B2B marketers, the sponsors of this research wanted to measure the extent to which the marketing technology (martech) stack was helping or hindering ABM adoption and usage.

It seems that the widespread assumption in the B2B marketing community is that martech stacks do a good job supporting ABM, or at worst, they are benign. Demandbase and Demand Metric set out to determine what the current situation is with respect to martech stack support for ABM.

This report shares the key findings from the study in which over 180 B2B executives, marketers, sales, finance, IT, and operations team members contributed.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Key Takeaways
  3. Adoption Maturity
  4. Technology Assist for ABM
  5. Developing Target Account Lists
  6. Top Seven ABM Challenges
  7. Analyst Bottom Line

Research Methodology

This 2019 ABM Tech Stack Benchmark Study survey was administered online from August 28, 2019, through September 26, 2019. During this period, 346 responses were collected.

Of these, 181 of the responses were from qualified B2B organizations that are either using or aware of ABM and were also complete enough for inclusion in the analysis. Only valid or correlated findings are shared in this report.