Search Results


This eWorkshop will provide you with strategies to set yourself apart from competitors, including Google results and highlight your unique and valuable expertise.


This eWorkshop evaluates the results of the Demand Metric Benchmark Study hosted to explore the relationship between sales & marketing and the relationship's effect on revenue performance.


Validity and Demand Metric partnered to measure the impact CRM data quality has on sales team effectiveness, revenue generation, and the success of business initiatives. 


Demandbase and Demand Metric recently completed research to illuminate the marketing technology stack challenges B2B firms face as they execute Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategy.

Linking Content to Revenue in Consulting Infographic

Organizations that embrace sales enablement technology enjoy better alignment and collaboration between marketing and business development teams, leading to more effective content and, ultimately, higher revenue.

A template to create a matrix of product features, advantages, and benefits.

Linking Content to Revenue in Consulting Firms

Demand Metric recently partnered with Seismic to better understand how Consulting firms utilize technology to improve the collaboration between business development and marketing, and the results are in!


Our CPQ Solution Study covers one of the six categories presented in our Sales Enablement Best Practices Report.

Use this tool to create an action plan to win more business from your top accounts.

A worksheet to help you develop effective probing questions.

A template to document "buying stages" for each of your buyer personas.

A template for providing a high level status report for each of your key accounts.


This guide provides practical advice for converting to a consultative selling approach.


Our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Solution Study covers one of the six categories presented in our Sales Enablement Best Practices Report.


Demand Metric partnered with Seismic to conduct this research study to benchmark how sales enablement technology can impact consulting firms.


This webinar will examine the role of the sales proposal in today’s buyer-centric world and present proven strategies to better align your content with buyers’ decision-making behaviors.


From June 2015 to July 2015, Demand Metric and Showpad collaborated to conduct a survey to understand the sales-marketing relationship around content, and how it affects sales interactions.

The State of Video Research Report

This annual research effort aims to examine the use of video in business, how it’s measured, and its impact. This year’s report provides insights that will help your team understand how to leverage video and measure its effectiveness.

Use this template to create buyer personas for the key buyers that you intend to target.

ABM Key Account Plan Canvas Template

Use our ABM Key Account Plan Canvas to create a simple, one-page action plan for each of your target accounts.

Use this database to ensure your marketing collateral is up-to-date and well distributed.

A template to help you illustrate the purchase process for your product.

Use this to identify key stakeholders, evaluate their interest, power, support level and flexibility.


Our Marketing Automation (MA) Solution Study covers one of the six categories presented in our Sales Enablement Best Practices Report.
