Linking Content to Revenue in Consulting Infographic

Resource Overview

Organizations that embrace sales enablement technology enjoy better alignment and collaboration between marketing and business development teams, leading to more effective content and, ultimately, higher revenue.


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Success for consulting firms is a function of winning clients, retaining them, and turning them into loyal advocates. When firms can do these things efficiently, they enjoy higher margins. Sales enablement is a category of solutions that streamline the process of creating content.

Organizations that embrace sales enablement technology enjoy better alignment and collaboration between marketing and business development teams, leading to more effective content and, ultimately, higher revenue.

Demand Metric partnered with Seismic to conduct research on how sales enablement technology can impact consulting firms. 

Key Findings

When sales enablement technology is not in use, 73 percent of study participants report having no or slight agility in responding to client requests.

Sales enablement technology helps business development teams increase their effectiveness. When it’s present, almost two-thirds of study participants say team effectiveness is increasing.

Almost three-fourths of study participants that have significantly or completely adopted sales enablement technology report increasing revenue. 

When sales enablement technology is in use, over 60 percent of marketers in the study are able to curate contextually relevant content, but only 38 percent can do that without this technology. 

Increasing the business development team’s effectiveness directly impacts revenue. Over 70 percent of teams that experienced increased effectiveness also reported revenue growth. However, almost half of teams that experienced decreased effectiveness reported declining revenues.