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Follow this simple framework to develop a Public Relations Crisis plan that supports your company’s goals & objectives.


Follow this simple framework to develop an Agile Marketing plan that supports your company’s goals & objectives.


In July 2013, Demand Metric conducted a benchmarking study to assess the effectiveness of email as a marketing channel, and to understand the impact of multiple factors known to negatively impact email marketing campaigns.


Use this public relations framework to define the activities required to successfully create, plan and execute a public relations plan.


Use this product marketing framework to define the activities required to successfully create, plan and execute a product marketing plan.


Use this mobile marketing framework to define the activities required to successfully create, plan and execute a mobile marketing plan.


Use this lead generation framework to define the activities required to successfully create, plan and execute a lead generation plan.


In June 2013, Demand Metric conducted a study to assess sales and marketing alignment and how it impacts revenue performance.


Use this shopper marketing framework to define the activities required to successfully create, plan and execute a shopper marketing plan.


This video infographic provides statistics and best practices for account-based marketing.

The Definitive Shopper Marketing Guide

In this guide, you will discover a distilled best practice approach to Shopper Marketing that will superpower your strategy and lead you in the direction of success.


In this report, Demand Metric, in partnership with Lucidpress, explore the impact and value of brand consistency.

The Ultimate Guide to ABM

Read this Ultimate Guide to learn how ABM can help you acquire more new customers at target accounts and align sales & marketing around a common goal: revenue growth.


Read this best practices report to learn how Digital Marketing has evolved and how to implement Digital Marketing functions within your company.

The State of the ABM Tech Stack Infographic

60% of respondents list marketing with personalized content as the strategy area most in need of a technology assist.

Measuring account engagement and developing a target account list rounded out the top three areas in need of a tech assist.

The State of Email Marketing Video Infographic 2019

Demand Metric and Return Path by Validity continue to partner to understand which email tactics marketers are using, how well they are working, and what challenges prevent greater success with email. The most recent edition of this research continues to pursue answers to the key question: What separates high-performing email marketers from the rest of the pack?


In it's four year, this global benchmarking research project aims to establish a statistically relevant set of metrics so that associations and non-profits can understand how they compare across the following areas: Departmental ownership vs. execution, Digital marketing budgets, Digital marketing skill assessments and Digital marketing channels.

Optimizing Asset Management for Sales Success

The purpose of this How-To Guide is to provide Modern Marketers with a clear understanding of how to effectively use Asset Management Systems as a Sales Enablement tool.


This eWorkshop will help you create and manage a strong Content Marketing program that can vault your company to the top of the thought leader board.


This eWorkshop, presented by Leslie Poston, author of "Social Media Metrics for Dummies" will teach you how to measure the effectiveness of your social media efforts.

Improving Campaign Conversion with Journey Maps

This How-To Guide has been designed to help you improve the conversion rate of marketing campaigns by aligning tactics and calls-to-action to customer journeys.


Read this best practices report to learn how sales enablement has developed and how to implement the sales enablement function within your company.

Social CRM Best Practices

This How-to-Guide provides an overview of social media applications and emerging best practices for deploying social media at your company.

Creating a Blog for Your Business

A guide to help you create a blog for your business.


Join Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst at Demand Metric, and Paula Crerar, Vice President at Evergage, to hear exclusive findings from the 2017 Trends in Personalization survey of B2B and B2C marketers, and personalization trends you need to know now.
