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Use this modern go-to-market framework to define the activities required to successfully build market-driven products & services that customers will accept.


Use this step-by-step playbook and set of 19 premium tools and templates to develop a comprehensive product development strategy & plan.

Use this tool to create a market research plan on a page.

Product Market Expansion Grid Ansoff

Use this framework to help you devise strategies for future growth.

This how-to guide provides a qualitative and quantitative research process that results in a thorough understanding of why and how your customers choose your product over available alternatives – in their words.

Use this How-To Guide to train your team on a process for creating a compelling value proposition.

Value Proposition Messaging Worksheet

Use this template to document your value proposition and messaging framework including, key benefit pillars, proof points to validate your claims, and elevator pitch.

Use this tool to help you communicate the findings of a focus group.

Performing Exploratory Research

Read this guide to learn how to begin any market research effort and how to conduct exploratory research successfully.

A tool to help you evaluate potential focus group facilitators (moderators).

A template to quickly document the role and responsibilities for this position.

A tool to help you evaluate a focus group facilitator.

Creating a Product Business Case

A guide to help you understand the intricacies of writing a product business case.

Use this template for any corporate product investment and as a formal communication document.

Use this template to create buyer personas for the key buyers that you intend to target.


Use this step-by-step playbook and set of 21 premium tools and templates to create a comprehensive product marketing plan.

Use this to document your objectives, initiatives, measures, and targets for the next 12-18 months.

A worksheet to define your product's pricing strategy and its differentiation.

A charter to document project scope, decision rights, and sponsorship.

An analysis tool to define the primary & secondary applications for a new product.

This will help you determine your market position in relation to your competitors.

Use our Win Loss Analysis Template to track your competitive wins and losses.

A PowerPoint explaining success drivers: strategy, process definition, portfolio management, & skills.

A template to quickly document the role and responsibilities for this position.
