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Account Based Marketing Playbook

Follow this simple step-by-step guide to develop an account-based marketing (ABM) approach and strategy.


Demandbase and Demand Metric recently completed research to illuminate the marketing technology stack challenges B2B firms face as they execute Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategy.


Join Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst at Demand Metric, and Daniel Gaugler, CMO at PFL, as they share benchmarks and insights on multichannel campaign effectiveness.


Just over half of this study’s participants include direct mail in their multichannel campaigns and 84 percent of them report that direct mail improves multichannel campaign performance. 


For the second consecutive year, Demand Metric and PFL partnered to understand how nearly 600 marketers use multichannel marketing and the power of intentional, coordinated marketing efforts.

The Ultimate Guide to ABM

Read this Ultimate Guide to learn how ABM can help you acquire more new customers at target accounts and align sales & marketing around a common goal: revenue growth.

Use this account based marketing (ABM) framework to define the activities required to successfully create, plan and execute an ABM program.

ABM Platform Evaluation Matrix Template

Use our ABM Platform Evaluation Matrix to select the best account-based marketing (ABM) platform for your organization.

The State of the ABM Tech Stack Infographic

60% of respondents list marketing with personalized content as the strategy area most in need of a technology assist.

Measuring account engagement and developing a target account list rounded out the top three areas in need of a tech assist.


Demand Metric, in partnership with MRP, has completed a study about the current state of the funnel. The “funnel flow” survey measured how well leads flow through the sales and marketing funnel.

Funnel Flow Benchmarking Study

This video infographic provides statistics and best practices for marketing funnels.


Join 5 C-Level execs from around the world as we leverage learning from literally thousands of ABM programs to help define the next stage of Account-Based Marketing.


Join the "C" executives from: Engagio, Demandbase, Vendemore, Azalead, MRP and Freya News to learn the answers to key questions we all face.


A benchmark report on content personalization trends and best practices.


In this session, Everstring’s Dayna Rothman shares a series of actionable ABM hacks to help you clarify your priorities and improve your processes and technology.


Delivered by the top executives at the leading ABM platforms, you won’t want to miss their key learnings. In each case study, we will apply the ABM Capabilities Framework in a very tangible and easily understood way.


In this session, we will showcase SAP’s roadmap for account-based personalization, highlighting best practices and recent discoveries along the way. 


This video infographic provides statistics and best practices for account-based marketing.


This video infographic provides statistics and best practices for lifecycle marketing.


This report will present the framework, the maturity milestones it represents, recommended actions to achieve maturity with ABM and therefore maximize its revenue impact.


This report is focused on helping marketers around the world plan and deploy the highest performing ABM programs available.