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Use this online community framework to define the activities required to successfully create, plan and execute an online community plan.


Use this product development framework to define the activities required to successfully create, plan and execute a product development plan.


Use this agency management framework to define the activities required to successfully create, plan and execute an agency management plan.

This how-to guide provides a qualitative and quantitative research process that results in a thorough understanding of why and how your customers choose your product over available alternatives – in their words.

Value Proposition Messaging Worksheet

Use this template to document your value proposition and messaging framework including, key benefit pillars, proof points to validate your claims, and elevator pitch.

Business Model Canvas Template (PowerPoint)

Use this Microsoft PowerPoint template to define your business model.


Follow this simple framework to develop an Agile Marketing plan that supports your company’s goals & objectives.

Marketing Technology Stack Diagram

Use this template to communicate which vendors you are using for various marketing technology categories across your customer lifecycle.

A marketing plan presentation template consisting of seven stages.

Use our Landing Page Optimization Checklist to feel confident that your landing page is fully optimized for your online advertising or SEO campaign, to maximize conversion.

Use this template to detail all of the elements of an important initiative you will embark on in the upcoming year.

Use this tool to calculate the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) for each of your customers and overall.

Use this tool to visually depict the customer journey across 5 phases: Discovery/Research, Evaluation/Comparison, Decision/Purchase, Implementation, and Support/Renew.


A self-assessment tool to see if your organization has a 'world-class' marketing department.

An all-in-one playbook of information to help your sales reps sell your product/service in the most effective way.

Use this tool to evaluate calculate how many leads you need to generate to hit your revenue target.

Use this template to create a guide for project execution and control.

A tool to help you plan, organize, manage and control resources in order to achieve specific project related goals.

Use this template to analyze and collectively manage a group of current or proposed projects based on numerous key characteristics.

A template to document "buying stages" for each of your buyer personas.

Use this template to create buyer personas for the key buyers that you intend to target.

Use this template to create a visual representation of your content marketing plan.

Use this template to set and track your overall marketing budget.

Use this tool to evaluate your organization’s content marketing program maturity.
