The State of Video Marketing 2019 Infographic

Resource Overview

Demand Metric and Vidyard partnered on research to better understand the use of video for sales and marketing, how performance is being measured, and what impact video is having.


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Demand Metric and Vidyard partnered on research to better understand the use of video for sales and marketing, how performance is being measured, and what impact video is having.

Key Findings:

  • For the fifth consecutive year, over 80% of study participants report that video is becoming more important as a form of marketing content.
  • The usage of video in places like social media, recorded webinars, and emails has increased year over year.
  • Webinars, demos, and social media videos are the most common types of videos being produced in 2018.
  • Over two-thirds of study participants report the use of video viewing data by members of the sales team to qualify, engage, or influence deals.
  • The use of video in Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategies continues to increase year over year.
  • Overall satisfaction with the results of video marketing is greater as the annual volume of videos produced increases.

Download the full report today for the full detailed recommendations, and discover many additional insights that will empower your video marketing strategy with the tools and technology you need to increase revenue.