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Creating a Social Media Policy

A guide that outlines why you should have a social media policy, the different types of policies and key components of a policy, followed by a detailed action plan on how to create a clear, decisive and successful social media policy for your company.

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A guide to help you understand how to use social media monitoring tools.

Social CRM Best Practices

This How-to-Guide provides an overview of social media applications and emerging best practices for deploying social media at your company.

The Importance of Social CRM

Social CRM is about interacting and engaging your consumer audience. Read this guide to better understand the importance of social CRM and how to get your business can benefit.

Strategizing for Myspace's Comeback

Read this how-to guide to help you strategize for the resurgence of Myspace.

Using Google+ for Business

A guide to help you understand the key features of Google+ that are useful to business

Successful Newsjacking

A guide to help you understand how to create successful newsjacks.

Understanding Twitter for Business

A guide that outlines the key features of Twitter, explains its effectiveness as a social network marketing tool and provides an action plan on how to create a unique and effective Twitter presence to help grow and strengthen your corporate brand.

Effective Use of Instagram for Business

A guide to help you understand the key features of Instagram that are useful to business.

Driving Online Community Adoption

A guide to help you understand how to drive online community adoption.

Word of Mouth Marketing

A guide to help you understand the importance of word of mouth marketing (WOMM) by identifying the different forms it can take and by explaining how you can measure it effectively.

CRM Consulting Partners Revealed

A guide to help you understand why hiring a consultant for your CRM initiative can be beneficial.


A guide to help you learn more about and build your public relations capabilities.