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Use our SEO Keyword Value Estimator tool to calculate the profit opportunities on a target keyword, for each of the 10 organic positions on the first page of a search engine.

Use this tool to calculate the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) for each of your customers and overall.

Use this tool to determine your company's customer lifetime value considering the following factors: Retention Rate, Referral Rate, Interest Rate, # Orders, Average Order Size, Risk Factor, Acquisition Cost, Marketing Cost and Incentives. This tool will automatically calculate the following: Total Customers, Annual Revenue, Costs, Net Revenue, NPV Revenue and Lifetime Value.

Sample Size Calculator

Use this sample selector to calculate the size of the sample necessary to provide confidence in the generalizations made about a given population in a market research study.

Use this tool to calculate results for your online community implementation.

Use this tool to evaluate calculate how many leads you need to generate to hit your revenue target.

Use our tool to determine the ROI from webinars.

Use this tool to determine your cost per impression across various communications channels.

Use this template to measure the return on investment for trade shows.

A tool to track all the tradeshows you attend, monitor your budget and calculate ROI.

Use this to measure the return on investment for trade promotion campaigns.

We created the Online Advertising ROI Calculator to help you determine the ROI for pay-per-click advertising campaigns.

Use this to calculate the overall financial impact that Marketing Automation can have on your business.

Use this to determine your required annual growth rate to meet your desired revenue goal in 3 years.

Use this tool to calculate results for email marketing campaigns.

Use this to help you allocate profits amongst your team in a fair and logical manner.