Email Marketing ROI Calculator

Resource Overview

Use this tool to calculate results for email marketing campaigns.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to calculate results for email marketing campaigns.

Our Solution

Our Email Marketing ROI Calculator calculates results for email marketing campaigns.  Develop benchmarks for Open Rate, Click-Thru Rate, Click-to-Open (CTOR), Conversion Rate (Leads), Conversion Rate (Sales), Cost/Lead, Cost/Sale, and compare with historical averages across all campaign types.

Download and watch our Workshop: Email Marketing Best Practices to learn the dos and don'ts of email marketing campaigns.

Key Benefits

  • easy to enter variable
  • considers a variety of metrics
  • conducts calculations for you
  • save 4 hours on formatting
  • automatically generates reports


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Estimated Time Required: 2 Hours

Skills Required: Financial Analysis