Sample Size Calculator

Resource Overview

Use this sample selector to calculate the size of the sample necessary to provide confidence in the generalizations made about a given population in a market research study.


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Your Problem

You need to calculate how large your sample size should be in order to provide confidence in your study's ability to generalize conclusions to an entire population.

Our Solution

We created the Sample Size Calculator to help you calculate the required sample size you would need to provide confidence in your ability to generalize conclusions to an entire population.  This Microsoft Excel calculator includes definitions that may prove helpful for the purpose of this exercise, including Sample Size, Confidence Level, Width of Confidence Level and Population Size.

Our Sample Size Calculator considers two sample size calculations: Sample size calculation when the population is Unknown and Sample size calculation when the population is Known.

Key Benefits

  • simple sample size calculator
  • considers confidence level, the width of confidence & expected value of the attribute
  • includes two ways to create a sample size
  • defines key terms for easy communication
  • saves time on calculations


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Estimated Time Required: 1 Hour

Skills Required: Excel (Basic)