eWorkshop: The Reality of Sales and Marketing Alignment

Resource Overview

Join Kate Moore, Director of Revenue Marketing at Salesfusion, to learn how sales and marketing teams are making it work day-to-day.


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eWorkshop Description:

Sales and marketing alignment is great in theory, but executing it might not be as simple as it sounds. Learning to live and breath sales and marketing alignment every single day is difficult.

Join Kate Moore, Director of Revenue Marketing at Salesfusion, to learn how sales and marketing teams are making it work day-to-day.

During this webinar you will learn:

  • How Sales and Marketing are Misaligned
  • What You Can Get from Sales and Marketing Alignment
  • How Sales and Marketing Alignment is Achieved
  • Tips for Sales Leaders
  • Tips for Marketing Leaders

About the Presenters

John Follett - CMO at Demand Metric

As CMO of Demand Metric, John is responsible for managing our partner programs, acquiring new customers online and growing the value of our membership. Using Demand Metric resources, members complete projects faster and with greater confidence, boosting respect for the marketing team and making it easier to justify needed resources.

Kate Moore - Director of Revenue Marketing at Salesfusion

Salesfusion is a leading provider of marketing automation software that is designed for B2B companies who are committed to driving more revenue by aligning marketing and sales. Salesfusion anchors around the belief that a well integrated CRM and marketing automation pair is the foundation of all B2B marketing.