eWorkshop: 2015 Video Content Marketing & Metrics

Resource Overview

Join Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst at Demand Metric, and Tyler Lessard, CMO at Vidyard, as they discuss the key findings of our 2015 Video Content Metrics Benchmark Report.


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eWorkshop Description:

In 2014, Demand Metric and Vidyard together completed an inaugural video marketing benchmark study to understand how video performs, where it is hosted, how it is measured and how viewing data works its way into the sales funnel. The 2015 study investigates these same themes, and adds some new ones as well: probing where video is used and what types of video content organizations are producing.

What this study determined is that success with video content marketing is not merely a product of producing quality video that engages. Success is also driven by how well video content – and metrics – is integrated with the marketing technology stack. 

Join Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst at Demand Metric, and Tyler Lessard, CMO at Vidyard, as they discuss and compare the key findings of our 2015 Video Content Metrics Benchmark Report to the 2014 version.

About the Presenters

Jerry Rackley - Chief Analyst, Demand Metric

With 30 years experience in Marketing at organizations like IBM and Esker Software, Jerry is an expert in Market Research, Product Management, PR, Positioning, and B2B Marketing. He oversees all Demand Metric's primary research and is also adjunct faculty at OSU in Oklahoma.  

Tyler Lessard - CMO at Vidyard

Tyler Lessard is the CMO at Vidyard. Driving corporate marketing and business development, he's passionate about helping companies better use and measure the performance of their video marketing assets.