Video Marketing Assets Database

Resource Overview

Use this database to document the details of each video in your program and track your videos by content type.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need a system to track all the important information regarding the videos in your video marketing program.  You also want to track & monitor your videos by content type to ensure you are producing a wide variety of videos.

Our Solution

We created the Video Marketing Assets Database to help you document all of the details for each video in your program and track your videos by content type.

Identify all of the key information for your videos in the "Database" tab and be sure to select a "Video Content Type" for each video.  To learn more about video content types, read our How-To Guide: Selecting Content Types for Video.

After entering all of your data in the "Database," open the "Video Content by Type" tab and simply edit the "Expected Assets" row to highlight how many videos you intend to produce in each content area this year.  Everything else will populate automatically.  

Review the "Video Progress Report" to monitor your current assets vs. your expected assets for the year.  Keep your database up-to-date so that you can continue to track your videos by content type and share your achievements with your senior management team.

Key Benefits

  • documents video assets
  • tracks videos by content type
  • enables consistent content selection
  • generates shareable graph
  • saves hours on formatting


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Estimated Time Required: 2 Hours

Skills Required: Excel (Advanced)