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This course has 6 video modules that will help you develop a sales enablement plan that increases your win-rate, deal-size and % reps attaining quota.


In this eWorkshop, our Chief Analyst, Jerry Rackley, will describe the current Sales Enablement landscape, best practices and how webinars & web conferencing can facilitate the success of this function.


Chief Analyst Jerry Rackley will share key findings from this recently concluded study that will show what Sales Enablement does in firms where it is effective, as well as how it is staffed, measured and managed.


This eWorkshop will present a summary of the "Sales Compensation Solution Acquisition: Getting to Automation & ROI" How-to Guide; a resource to help organizations use a more effective process for acquiring ICM solutions.


This eWorkshop will present an effective strategy for creating content that will match your buyer's needs in order to create and maintain positive, productive relationships with prospects and current customers.


This eWorkshop will provide you with strategies to set yourself apart from competitors, including Google results and highlight your unique and valuable expertise.


This eWorkshop evaluates the results of the Demand Metric Benchmark Study hosted to explore the relationship between sales & marketing and the relationship's effect on revenue performance.


This eWorkshop will teach you how to win the content battle with a content marketing plan that reaches the 70-80% of prospects before they've made their buying decision.