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 Use the Agency Transition Assets Acquisition Database to collect and track all of the assets you will need to have transferred over to your new agency partner.

Use this database to document the details of each video in your program and track your videos by content type.

Events Database Template 2023

A professionally designed database & calendar to organize, summarize and communicate all of your marketing events for 2023.

Use this to organize important information for all of your conference attendees.

Use this database to ensure your marketing collateral is up-to-date and well distributed.

Use this template to keep track of lessons learned.

Use the Crisis Inquiry Journal Template to track and respond to any inquiry made by the media or individuals/organizations about an active crisis occuring within your organization.

Use this template to gather information on the keywords that you are targeting.

A tool to help you keep track of project changes.

Use this database to template to track your customer advocates by key information, levels of engagement and referrals.