Lead Generation Benchmark Report

Resource Overview

In January & February of 2014, Demand Metric and Salesfusion partnered to better understand the current lead generation process.


Related Resources

Executive Summary

In a study sponsored by Salesfusion, Demand Metric conducted a survey to explore how marketers are doing lead generation. Answers to these questions were pursued to better understand the current lead generation process:

  • How well is the process working and which lead generation techniques are in use?
  • How are leads captured and where are they stored?
  • How does the process perform in terms of volume and quality of leads?
  • How much budget is allocated to lead generation and what is the estimated cost per lead?
  • How is the effectiveness of the process measured?
  • What process changes would produce the greatest benefit?
  • How will the investment in and emphasis on lead generation change in the next year?


These study results provide a report card of sorts, providing benchmark data useful for comparison, planning and improvement.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Lead Generation Snapshot
  4. Lead Capture & Storage
  5. Process Performance - Volume & Quality
  6. Lead Generation Budget & Cost Per Lead
  7. Measuring Lead Generation
  8. Changing the Lead Generation Process
  9. Analyst Bottom Line
  10. Acknowledgements

  11. About Salesfusion & Demand Metric
  12. Appendix - Survey Background


Research Methodology

This Demand Metric Lead Generation Benchmark Study was administered online during the period of January 28, 2014 through February 17, 2014. During this period, 204 responses were collected, 182 of which were qualified and complete enough for inclusion in the analysis.