Documenting Sales Call Opportunities

Resource Overview

A guide to help you increase profitability by documenting all of your sales call opportunities.


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Executive Summary

This How-To Guide has been designed to provide practical advice for understanding the importance of documenting sales call opportunities and how to optimize your profitability by documenting each opportunity properly.

Read this brief 2-page guide to learn:

  • How Potential Sales Can Get Wasted
  • The Importance of Documenting Every Sales Call Opportunity
  • What Needs to Be Documented
  • Action Plan for Sales Call Reporting
  • Strategize & Report With Our Sales Call Reporting Tool


Read this report to learn the importance of documenting your sales call opportunities and how to properly document an opportunity.  Use our Key Account Planning Tool to create an action plan to optimize profits from your potential accounts.  Then, download our Sales Call Reporting Tool to document the results of your sales call opportunities.

Demand Metric's How-To Guides are designed to provide practical, on-the-job training and education and provide context for using our premium tools & templates.  If there is a topic that you would like to see covered, please contact us at to make a content request.