Marketing Data Management Plan Best Practices Guide

Resource Overview

Read this guide to help you organize your data management plan. The purpose of this guide is to give a quick introductory overview of marketing data management planning best practices.


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Data is at the center of everything in our modern world.

The problems begin when data is inadequately integrated, out-of-date or contains critical information gaps, either within the marketing department itself, or across other aspects of an organization, from sales to customer support or beyond.

The only path to ensure each data opportunity is captured, understood and acted upon is through the application of a Marketing Data Management Plan. Without an organized and strategically thought-out plan, quality data will not be properly collected, integrated, stored, secured and maintained in such a way that it can be mined for reliable marketing insights. Over the pages in this short how-to guide, we will discuss the topic of Marketing Data Management, and how to leverage best practices to build a plan that not only suits your organization's specific needs, but also provides both a short and long term approach on how to manage – or wrangle – this important asset.

This How-to Guide is designed to provide practical advice for Data Management and outlines the following:

  1. Introduction
  2. Wrangling Big Data
  3. Data Quality and Compliance
  4. Data Integration
  5. Ongoing Data Maintenance, Storage & Management
  6. Software Platforms for Managing Customer Data
  7. Understanding Data Management Platforms (DMP)
  8. DMP Software Vendors
  9. Data Management Best Practices
  10. Data Management Planning Action Steps

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