Case Analysis Research Report

Resource Overview

Use this template to record case details, observations, insights, and interpretation of the analysis.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to identify your market research problem, to define the cases you will be studying and to document the findings of your case analyses.

Our Solution

We created the Case Analysis Research Report to provide you with an easy-to-use format to record your case analysis details, including observations, insights and analytical interpretation.  

In the "Research Question" tab, identify your research question or problem, the hypothesis being tested and your planned case analyses.  In the "Case Detail" tab, describe each case study in detail, including the following: Case Description, Date Studied, Observations, Insights, Interpretation and level of Support to Hypothesis (Low to High).

Key Benefits

  • assists in identifying all aspects of the research question
  • provides a matrix to evaluate case studies
  • facilitates communication of case studies
  • presents findings in a professional format
  • provides a real-world example


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Estimated Time Required: 3 Hours

Skills Required: Case Study Analysis