Market Research Report

Resource Overview

A formal report template that will help you communicate findings from a market research project.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to share the results of a market research project or study.

Our Solution

We created the Market Research Report to provide a formal communication document that will help you communicate findings from a market research project. This Microsoft Word template evaluates your market research project based on the following sections: executive summary, description of the problem, objectives, research design & methodology, information sources, results, action-oriented recommendations, and appendix.  Feel free to include additional sections or information that suit your organization's market research efforts.

For background info, read our Executive Summary: Market Research Best PracticesDownload our free Product Development Strategy Methodology to see how this tool functions as part of a product development process.

Key Benefits

  • easy to use and modify
  • professionally formatted report
  • ensures assumptions are qualified
  • save 4 hours on formatting
  • provides support for recommendations


Microsoft Word Document

Estimated Time Required: 4 Hours

Skills Required: Research Writing