Demand Metric Community Launched!

- Jun 17, 2013 8:50 AM
I’m pleased to announce that Demand Metric has launched a new online marketing community as part of the Demand Metric website. As a member, you are automatically part of this community. Let me share our motivation for creating this community, and why we think it will matter to you.
One goal for building and launching this online marketing community is to more broadly share our resources and expertise. Before now, our interaction was primarily through email and telephone consultations with individual members. These forms of communication won’t go away, but our vision is to take much of the marketing expertise exchanged this way and put it in the marketing community where others can see it and contribute to the discussion.
An equally important goal for the marketing community is to facilitate interaction between each of you. You’re part of a community of 32,000 members, and each of you are marketing professionals. Collectively, you represent a vast repository of marketing expertise. The Demand Metric marketing community is a mechanism for you to engage in thought leadership: to teach and be taught in a community of your marketing peers.
We know our members are passionate about marketing and generous in their desire to help advance the state of our profession. These characteristics are the ingredients that we feel will make this new marketing community a success. But to make your participation even more rewarding, we’re employing a gamification strategy in this community, the use of game design to make interaction more fun and reward your participation. If you’re not yet familiar with gamification, I encourage you to read our recently published How-to Guide on this topic.
The formula for participation is simple:
- Login to the Demand Metric website using your current login credentials.
- Update your profile and upload a photo in the “My Account” section.
- Click on the “Community” link found in the navigation bar.
- Select from any of the Community participation options: Recent Activity, Member Lounge, Ask an Expert, Product Roadmap or Helpdesk.
There isn’t another marketing community like this one in existence, and we think it can be a game-changer for the marketing professionals that take advantage of it. We invite you to get involved in the community to help and get help. When you do, everyone wins.
If you have any feedback or ideas for how we can improve the community, please let us know.
Jesse Hopps, Founder & CEO
Demand Metric
3 Responses
Website looks amazing and this new community is going to be a huge asset for us. Thanks!
I like the new look. Looking forward to seeing how the community develops.
Thank you for the support!