CRM Solution Study

- Feb 21, 2014 12:17 PM
- Completed
We are currently working on a new product line known as Solution Studies. Each Solution Study is part of a larger series in a given focus area.
Our CRM Solution Study is part of our Sales Enablement Solution Study Series. This series will have 6 complimenting Solution Studies that incorporate analyst insights, a vendor landscape for the solution segment and key points for vendor analysis. Accomanying each Solution Study, we will be launching a complimentary Tool-Kit with 6 practical tools & templates to help you understand where you stand in the solution segment and how to select the proper vendor to help you advance in that segment.
Our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Solution Study covers one of the six categories presented in our Sales Enablement Best Practices Report.
2 Responses
Effective Sales Enablement is a multi-stage process. In our Sales Enablement Solutions Study Series we examine each key stage of Sales Enablement from initial marketing and sales alignment to the final deal close and revenue capture.
In this report, we focus on one of the two foundation technologies of Sales Enablement: Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
The insights and analysis presented in this report are given to provide marketers with a baseline understanding of the CRM landscape. We'll look at the evolving CRM landscape and evaluate the leading CRM vendors. We'll give you tools to evalaute these vendors and their offerings for your organziation.
Our CRM Solution Study is now live!