Sales Productivity Metrics (Monthly)

Resource Overview

Use this tool to collect Productivity Metrics, based on using our Daily Productivity Report template for each sales representative.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to track performance for an inside sales rep or team. It is required that you find a way to measure the productivity of sales representatives, and it is important that you collect and analyze data in order to identify areas that need to be addressed.

Our Solution

We created a Sales Productivity Metrics worksheet to capture monthly sales productivity metrics for sales reps. This template is based on taking the information retrieved by utilizing the Sales Productivity Metrics (Daily) template on a day to day basis with your sales reps.

With this resource, we allow you to transfer these results into our Sales Productivity Metrics (Quarterly) tool to aggregate metrics for your entire team over a 3 month period. This worksheet will allow you to analyze longer-term trends and to gather valuable data points for your sales department.

The Sales Productivity Metrics (Monthly) template can significantly increase the productivity of your sales representatives, and it can also provide insights into your sales team and areas that need to be addressed. For background info, read our Executive Summary: Monitoring Inside Sales Productivity.

Key Benefits

  • increases productivity of sales reps
  • defines sales reporting metrics
  • sets expectations for monthly performance
  • provides insight into skills gaps
  • save 2 hours on writting & formatting


Estimated Time Required: 2 Hours

Skills Required: Sales Analysis

Microsoft Excel Document