Influencer Marketing Service Provider RFP Template

Resource Overview

A template to create a request for proposal (RFP) for an Influencer Marketing service provider.


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Your Problem

You want to engage an Influencer Marketing Service Provider and need to write a request for proposal (RFP).

Our Solution

Use this template to specify each of the requirements that you are looking for in an influencer marketing service provider. Influencer Marketing Service Providers who are interested in the opportunity will respond with details about their approach and information about how they meet or exceed your requirements. This template includes the following sections: Company Information, Statement of Work, Proposal Submission Procedure, Scope of Work & Business Requirements, Service Provider Information, and Estimated Budget & Resources Required. 

Key Benefits

helps you get bids from service providers
reduced cost of project from competing bids
provides all key project requirements
save 4 hours on writing & formatting
provides a real-world example