CRM Maturity Map

Resource Overview

Use this tool to visually depict your CRM process maturity across Marketing, Sales, Customer & Field Service, Analytics, Infrastructure, and E-Commerce/Web.


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Your Problem

You need to analyze your organization's CRM process maturity and visually present your findings to senior management to determine which functions to improve upon first.

Our Solution

A fishbone diagram tool that allows you to quickly highlight your current level of process maturity for each function.  Using a simple color-coded format you can visually present your organization's strengths and weaknesses as they relate to CRM process and system maturity.  Functions to be analyzed include Marketing, Sales, Customer & Field Service, Analytics, Infrastructure, E-Commerce/Web. The maturity scale is based on the following:

  • LEVEL 1 - No Documentation of Business Processes, No Automation or Integration
  • LEVEL 2 - Immature and Few Documented Processes, No Automation or Integration
  • LEVEL 3 - Maturing and Mostly Documented Processes, Some Automation/Integration
  • LEVEL 4 - Mature, Documented, Integrated & Automated Processes; Agile Changes


Key Benefits:

  • Save 4 Hours Formatting Presentation Diagram
  • Easy to Understand, Color-Coded Framework
  • Maps out Key CRM Business Processes & Functions
  • Provides Maturity Scale to Gauge Current State
  • Demonstrates Business Process Management Skills


Estimated Time Required: 8 Hours

Skills Required: Business Process Management

Microsoft PowerPoint Document