3 Ways to Optimize your Emails for Mobile

Lauren Sytsma's picture
Lauren Sytsma
Lauren Sytsma wrote:

Did you know that 50% or more of emails are read on a mobile device? That’s a big number! In order to remain a savvy marketer it’s important to ensure that your emails & landing pages are mobile friendly. 

Here are a few tips to help you do this effectively:

1. Media Queries
(This gets a bit technical so I would delegate this one to your resident tech team). 

Definition: a media query combines a media type (ie. iPhone) and a condition (specific width, height & orientation to fit an iPhone screen) to specify how web content will appear on a particular receiving device. 

2. Optimize the mobile inbox
A mobile inbox only displays a small amount of copy (about 80 characters) so it’s important that the subject line and pre-header are loaded with the most important content AND be enticing enough to get your readers to open the entire message. 

3. Optimize your Mobile Landing Page 
If you optimize your mobile inbox correctly your readers will want to click-through to your landing page so its important to optimize your landing page experiences as well: 

- Mobile screens are small; use big image buttons and keep it simple 
- Keep forms simple 
- Make your images re-sizable 
- Your landing page should look good horizontally as well as vertically 

Is anything missing from this list? What are you doing to optimize your email marketing campaigns? 

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This eWorkshop will present email marketing best practices, tips and tricks for 2013.