Why B2B Sales Leads Don't Convert (and Who Is to Blame) @MarketingProfs @Showpad @DemandMetric

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John Follett
John Follett wrote:

The Blame Game

  • Aside from price, there is little agreement between sales and marketing professionals about why deals fail to close with qualified prospects.
  • Sales professionals cite the lack of marketing assets and support as the top reason they fail to close deals.
  • Marketers' view of the top cause of failure—lack of empowerment to negotiate—is more sympathetic to their Sales colleagues. However, the second-ranked cause is not: lack of sales skill or ability.

Read more: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2014/25682/why-b2b-sales-leads-dont-convert-and-who-is-to-blame#ixzz38t7PYGRH

Read the source article at MarketingProfs

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