What's the right set of KPIs for a CMO scorecard?

Jerry Rackley's picture
Jerry Rackley
Jerry Rackley wrote:

I don’t believe there is a “one-size fits all” CMO scorecard, although there are certainly some commonalities. While the precise set of KPIs will vary from one organization to another, I think the elements that merit inclusion are: 

  • Financial - should be obvious.
  • Workforce - skills and development of the team.
  • Customers - satisfaction, retention or some other valid indicator.
  • Products or Services - loyalty, usage, adoption or perhaps satisfaction.
  • Market/Industry - market share, competitiveness, etc.
  • Processes - measures of key processes such as lead generation.
  • Cultural health - health of the culture, buy-in to the vision, etc.
  • Brand - loyalty, equity, thought leadership, awareness, etc.


Which KPIs do you think belong on a CMOs scorecard?

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Resource Reference 

A worksheet that provides lots of common examples of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).