TOP 5 user readiness challenges while implementing a large scale CRM - "the user side of change"?

- Jun 30, 2014 2:11 AM
- Answered
4 Answers

- Oct 12, 2016 8:46 AM
- Best Answer
I don't know if I have a Top 5 list, but I can surely share what I think is number 1: cultural readiness.
The implementation of a large scale CRM solution will introduce process and cultural changes. The person or team in charge of implementation often feels that all potential users of the CRM should be delighted and eager to use the CRM, because the benefits to the organization (and users) are so obvious. But experience shows us that the resistance to change is often very high. To plan an large-scale CRM implementation that does not address the cultural aspect invites failure. To me, this is the biggest readiness challenge to successful CRM implementation.

- Apr 23, 2017 4:30 AM
Government CRM are largest CRM because it involves every citizen.
How should Government CRM structure queues ?
How Government CRM should align its social media metrics given its not about product marketing or sales?
How should to performace on social media be monitored given crm?
If CRM is heavily dominated by human task BPM workflow how it shold set up contectualized parameter to reduce waiting time or improve ticket closure fo citizen walkins.
What should be private public model for building large scale CRM for goverment where all citizens are involved?
How should cloud enablement of CRM and other manged service centers and managed services be involved for Social CRM?

- Apr 23, 2017 4:37 AM
At same time there are evoving CRM from reatil like is external)

- Apr 23, 2017 4:39 AM