Sales Enablement Knowledge Management Best Practices Report

Kristen Maida's picture
Kristen Maida
Kristen Maida wrote:

In this report, we look at the Sales Enablement Knowledge Transfer or Enablement Knowledge Management (KM) as it is increasingly beginning called.

We’ll look at the vendors and their solutions through the lens of their customer’s experience to show not just want the vendors do and the problems they solve but the results that real customers are getting and what their experience is working with that vendor.

Our Research Director, Clare Price, is the key contributor to this best practices report.

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Resource Reference 

Our Enablement Knowledge Management (KM) Solution Study covers one of the six categories presented in our Sales Enablement Best Practices Report.

1 Responses

John Follett's picture
John Follett
John Follett wrote:

The Enablement Knowledge Management Solution Study and toolkit are now available!

Here's the link:
