Optimizing Asset Management for Sales Success

Lauren Sytsma's picture
Lauren Sytsma
Lauren Sytsma wrote:

Attend this FREE eWorkshop on Wednesday, March 26th @ 1pm ET and learn how asset management can provide your company with a competitive advantage!

CLICK HERE to grab a seat!

The role of Asset Management in marketing is changing fast. As marketing and sales organizations become more aligned, asset management systems must be viewed as a joint marketing and sales advantage rather than simply a marketing resource and distribution centre.

The Sales Enablement benefits of Asset Management, particularly when coupled with marketing automation, are substantial. 

Join Demand Metric and MindMatrix on Wednesday, March 26th at 1pm ET for a free eWorkshop that will show marketers how to optimize Asset Management for sales success.

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Resource Reference 

Use this step-by-step playbook and set of 47 premium tools and templates to create a comprehensive sales enablement plan.

1 Responses

Clare Price's picture
Clare Price
Clare Price wrote:

Asset Management has historically been seen as a marketing and branding function. Today, as more organizations focus on marketing and sales alignment, many tools and technologies that were once managed exclusively by marketing have become shared marketing and sales functions.

But Asset Management has tended to remain squarely in the hands of marketing. Demand Metric believes that marketing organizations that retain control are missing an opportunity to use Asset Management to its fullest capability.

So attend this Webinar and let’s dig in and take Asset Management to sales.