Multiple Exposures to Advertisements & Effective Frequency

James Kesterson,'s picture
James Kesterson,
James Kesterson, wrote:

Herbert Krugman wrote the book "The Impact of Television Advertising: Learning without Involvement". According to Mr. Krugman, there are three levels of exposure in psychological terms in advertising: Curiosity, recognition, and decision.

As you watch television you'll notice some commercials repeating within a short time period or, while driving, the same billboard advertisement along the same stretch of roadway.

Hermann Ebbinghaus wrote "Successful Advertising" which he listed 20 exposures to an advertisement before a person purchased the product being advertised.

The question I would like to know is, does anyone else use this strategy in their marketing campaigns? If so, what have been your results?


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3 Responses

Lauren Sytsma's picture
Lauren Sytsma
Lauren Sytsma wrote:

Hi James, thanks for posting! I used to work in a Corporate Marketing department in the B2C space, and we worked with an ad agency to get our campaigns to market. Most campaigns had multiple different channels to communicate the same message, ie: billboards, print, online, TV, radio, etc. It was imperative that the same message, across multiple channels went out at the same time in order to hit people with your key message multiple times in one day. Multiple exposures of your key message is so important to the success of a campaign! 

James Kesterson,'s picture
James Kesterson,
James Kesterson, wrote:


Thank you for your response! Also, thanks for providing the information regarding your experiences with multiple exposures as it relates to marketing and advertising. I think we can all agree that when we start to really notice an advertisement that we've already seen it quite a few times before and this is why it works.   

Lauren Sytsma's picture
Lauren Sytsma
Lauren Sytsma wrote:

No problem James! Great topic to bring up in the community!