Infographic: How to Improve your Bounce Rate

Lauren Sytsma's picture
Lauren Sytsma
Lauren Sytsma wrote:

Bounce rates demystified - tips to help you improve your bounce rate.

Bounce rate: is a measure of visit quality; a higher the bounce rate usually indicates that your landing pages are relevant to your visitors. 

- Google takes your bounce rate into account when determining how to rank your site.

- Visits to your subdomain will count as someone leaving your site; therefore, incorrectly increasing your bounce rate

- The metrics of an average website:

            - Time on site: 190.4 seconds

            - Average pageviews: 4.6

            - Bounce rate: 40.5%

            - New visits: 62.9%

Bounce Rate Demystified

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2 Responses

Stan Papadimitriou's picture
Stan Papadimitriou
Stan Papadimitriou wrote:

I was not aware that music and streaming video can have a negative affect on my bounce rate. Instead, i assumed video would improve bounce rates. Can you shed some light as to why video is a negative?  Thanks so much! 

Lauren Sytsma's picture
Lauren Sytsma
Lauren Sytsma wrote:

Hi Stan,

That's a great question, and you're right - usually video keeps people on your site longer. That being said, one reason it can have a negative affect on bounce rate is load time of video (#7 above). What should have been an engaging, positive experience can turn into a frustrating, negative experience, which may result in users "bouncing" away from your site.