How-To Guide: B2B Marketing Automation

Kristen Maida's picture
Kristen Maida
Kristen Maida wrote:

As our in-house marketing technology guru, David Raab (Research Director) has been working diligently to provide the Demand Metric Community with a guide on everything you need to know about the B2B Marketing Automation sector.  This guide covers a plethora of information, including discussions on:

  • B2B Marketing Automation v. Marketing Automation
  • Core & Specialty System Functions
  • The B2B Marketing Automation Vendor Landscape


Review this brand-new guide to purchase and implement a B2B Marketing Automation sytem, or to optimize the system you already have.

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This Guide discusses how the ins-and-outs of B2B marketing automation to ensure your organization's success as you purchase and implement a system.