Content creation

- Jul 24, 2013 12:23 PM
We all know it's about relevant content, available to clients at the right time in their buying process. The challenge, at least for smaller to mid-market companies like ours, is finding the time to develop that content. We have smart thought leaders helping clients every day - but they don't have the time to develop written white papers, blogs, etc. I've utilized on staff or individual writers in the past on specific white papers, etc., but would like to expand the source to look at other content development options. It's imperative that the writer work from interviews/transcripts with our practice and service managers.
What, if any, has been your experience with houses like SixEstate? Elance? Scripted? Are there others that you've worked with?
5 Responses
We have had great results working with SingleGrain to develop and promote infographics, and Kapost has an interesting new platform to distributing new content that I have been meaning to check out recently. Anyone else have experience with any good content providers?
Elance and Odesk can be great sources if they're working from interviews/transcripts. I've worked with a number of providers on oDesk.
As with everything, though, you get what you pay for.
I was shown this interesting microsite or 'scrolling site' today by a Digital Agency called Mandloys:
It looked pretty cool and it getting a lot of social shares, so I thought I'd pass it along.
Thanks, Jesse and Noah....great ideas. Just looked through the "dynographic" on Mandloys site, very interesting. I have been using ODesk for a couple of years, but not for content yet. Had terrific experience with Odesk on very quick turnaround on voice overs, transcription and Excel appending.
Going through now and interviewing some of the content agencies...will let you know how it goes!
Thanks Robin. Let us know if you find a winner!