Can Facebook Finally Answer the Social Ads Dilemma?

- Aug 13, 2013 8:45 AM
Social ads - Facebook Sponsored Stories, Twitter Promoted Tweets, LinkedIn Ads, Stumbleupon Paid Discovery, etc - are a hit and miss affair. For every success story we see shared, we hear of multiple failures and disappointments.
Facebook's new Retargeted Ads aim to succeed where others - including their own current set-up - seems to fail. From a blog post at Convince and Convert:
Just imagine that you’re Nike. Someone visits your online store to check out the Fuelband, but leaves without buying it. Seconds later, you could be on Facebook, showing that user an amazing video about the wearable self-quantification device. The user watches the video, and reads comments from others gushing about how the Fuelband has changed their lives. Compelled, the user returns to the Nike site and makes the purchase. We’ve always dreamed of advertising like this, and now we can make it happen.
Even more exciting is retargeting truly new customers with News Feed ads based on the terms they’ve entered into sites like Yahoo!, Bing and Google. Imagine, this time, that you’re Allstate, and a user searches for car insurance quotes. Immediately, you could be in their News Feed presenting a video of persuasive testimonials from Allstate clients who love their agents. In other words, you’re able to drive a conversion for a fraction of the $70 that you would have paid for a click via SEM.
But will this approach work, or do you feel it may just be another addition to the noise that users filter out and refuse to click?
4 Responses
Just to ensure I understand, does Facebook's retargeted ads work like Bizo or AdRoll retargeted ads but just using that info to serve ads on Facebook only?
Hi Jesse,
It pulls ads you've seen outside Facebook back into the platform. This infographic offers a pretty good breakdown of how it works, with benefits and stats for good measure:
Thanks for sharing this infographic Danny! I have always had mixed feelings about re-targeting. I remember when I was in the market for engagement rings and I was bombarded by ads from a website I was visiting frequently. I understand the concept, but as a consumer they can be a little bit annoying at best.
If you're thinking of incorporating Facebook ads into your marketing plan, here are a couple infographics that share data on key performance indicators for Facebook Ads and the Facebook Exchange (FBX).
Some key insights:
Facebook Advertising Snapshot (Q1 vs Q2 2013)
- Performance is strong across key engagement metrics -- click through rates, clicks, and conversions are all up.
Facebook Exchange Analysis
- Dynamic ad creative performs better than static on FBX with an average ROI of $8.10.