Anyone using SnapChat?

Jerry Rackley's picture
Jerry Rackley
Jerry Rackley wrote:

Most marketers are using social media, but I'm interested in learning if anyone is using SnapChat in a marketing context.  If you are, how are you using it and what results are you getting?

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Diego Reyes's picture
Diego Reyes
Diego Reyes wrote:

Chat is very useful for 1) Customer Service  - improves customer service 2) Customer Intelligence - for ecommerce it helps you understand how users THINK and navigate/ use that information to improve user experience online etc. 3) Increasing Leads - for lead generation websites .  Especially when using a proactive chat approach. Easy to install and cost effective. Im using snap engage. - free customization  (condition based chating if cliente visits X and spend x number of time start a chat with this message.... / screen sharing but not stable.

If you have any more questions feel free to message me.