Video Marketing RFP Template

Resource Overview

Use this template to help you design a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a video marketing consultant or agency.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to create a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a video marketing consultant or agency. It is important that you set the requirements that must be included in order to be considered by your company.

Our Solution

Our Video Marketing RFP Template provides you with a standard format to request proposals from potential video marketing consultants or agenices.

Our template includes the following sections: Company Information, Statement of Work, Proposal Submission Procedure, Scope of Work & Business Requirements, Vendor Information, and Estimated Budget & Resources Required. This template is important because it enables vendors to provide all of the information that you require for a proposal to work with your company on this initiative.

Key Benefits

  • enables you to get bids from multiple consultants
  • reduced cost of project from competing bids
  • includes all key project requirements
  • save 4 hours on writing & formatting
  • provides a real-world example


Microsoft Word Document

Estimated Time Required: 1 Hour

Skills Required: RFP Writing