Individual Goals Template

Resource Overview

A template to document goals & objectives, deliverables, timelines, and how results will be measured.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to document your goals and align them with department goals.

Our Solution

Our Individual Goals Template will help you document goals & objectives, deliverables, timelines, and how results will be measured for individual members of your organization.  This Microsoft Word template will help you realize the impact employee activities have on your team and organization by defining key goals, plans and metrics.

For background information on this topic, read our Executive Summary: Sharpen your Focus with Goals.

Key Benefits

  • increased alignment of department & individual goals
  • more accountability for team members
  • defines how results will be measured
  • promotes results-oriented culture
  • uses SMART goal-setting framework


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Estimated Time Required: 2 Hours

Skills Required: Professional Development Planning