Sales Analysis Tool

Resource Overview

The Sales Analysis Tool can be used to review products/service sales, channel sales, sales by representative, market segments, and sales team goals.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to analyze your company´s sales from a number of perspectives. It is required that you consider different scenarios to help your company understand the purchasing behavior of your clients. You should have an understanding of the monthly and yearly sales your company has, and should be able to present to key stakeholders the upcoming year's sales forecast.

Our Solution

We created the Sales Analysis Tool, which can be used to review products/service sales, channel sales, sales by representative, market segments, and sales team goals. Using our template, you will be able to better analyze sales within your company.

Our Sales Analysis tool offers a number of approaches to better analyize the behavior of sales, which will help you when creating forecasts for upcoming years. The key stakeholders of your company will expect to be informed in a way that it is easy to understand and that answers most questions related to the performance of your company. Our template will help you accomplish those goals, and will make communicating and analyzing easier. For background info, read our Executive Summary: Achieving Corporate Sales Targets

Key Benefits

  • review products/service sales
  • forecast yearly sales with increased accuracy
  • present forecasts to key stakeholders
  • save 2 hours on writing & formatting


Microsoft Excel Document

Estimated Time Required: 2 Hours

Skills Required: Excel Analysis