Partnership Marketing Agreement

Resource Overview

A template to create a partnership marketing agreement between your organization and a partner.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to receive a commitment from a partner to perform certain marketing activities. It is required that you develop a standard format to encompass the details of the marketing agreement. You have to make a clear list of the commitments the parties in the agreement will be working on, as well as the protocols for the evaluation and management of the agreement.

Our Solution

We created a Partnership Marketing Agreement template to help create an agreement between your organization and its partners. The template will provide you with the opportunity to highlight areas you should pay attention to in your partnership.

In the partnership marketing template, you can include the purpose/scope of the agreement, as well as the goals and measurements, evaluation, benefits, marketing commitments, review protocols, management and operation of partnership, employee and employer rights, and terms of the partnership.

All of the aspects in the template have been designed to provide your company and its partners with a clear idea of every part of the agreement. This document will help reduce uncertainty and will increase trust among the parties involved, and can save your team 4 hours on writing and formatting.

Key Benefits

  • gets commitment for marketing activities
  • sets expectations for the relationship 
  • specifies channels and frequency
  • save 4 hours on writing & formatting
  • improves chances for successful partnership


Microsoft Word Document

Estimated Time Required: 4 Hours

Skills Required: Agreement Editing