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Use our Shopper Marketing Business Case to provide senior management with a use case for a Shopper Marketing program in your organization.

Use our Customer Engagement Business Case to provide senior management with a use case for a Customer Engagement program in your organization.

Use our Video Marketing Business Case to provide senior management with a use case for a video marketing program in your organization.

Online Community Business Case

This business case will help you determine the benefits on an online community for your organization in order to gain senior management support.

Webinar Program Business Case Template

Use this tool to get approval for a webinar program or initiative.

Use this template for any corporate product investment and as a formal communication document.

A template to create a business case for an investment in a Marketing Automation solution.

A template to build a business case for an investment in a mobile marketing program.

A template to help you design a business case for an investment in a CRM solution.

A template to help you build a business case for an investment in a Social Media program.

Use this template for any corporate investment and as a formal management communication document.