Sales & Marketing Analytics Benchmark Report

Resource Overview

From November-December 2013, Demand Metric, in conjunction with Tableau Software, conducted a benchmarking study, with 300 respondents, to explore the use of sales and marketing analytics tools and technology.


Related Resources

Executive Summary

Demand Metric, in conjunction with Tableau Software, recently completed a study to explore the use of sales and marketing analytics tools and technology, seeking to determine:

  • The current state and importance of the analytics process
  • The tools, technology and data in use for analytics and the overall satisfaction with them
  • The motivations that drive analytics efforts
  • The effectiveness of analytics results when it comes to influencing decision-making
  • The types of analytics organizations are currently conducting, and what is planned
  • The roles involved in the analytics process, the degree of collaboration that occurs and how the results are shared


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Research Methodology
  4. State of the Analytics Process
  5. Current Analytics Tools & Data Sources
  6. Motivation for Analytics
  7. Effectiveness of Analytics Processes
  8. Types of Analytics Processes
  9. Roles
  10. Collaboration
  11. Sharing
  12. Analyst Bottom Line
  13. Acknowledgements

  14. About Demand Metric


Research Methodology

The Demand Metric 2013 Sales & Marketing Analytics Survey was administered online during the period of November 8th through December 2nd, 2013. During this period, over 350 responses were collected, of which approximately 300 were qualified and complete enough for inclusion in the analysis.