PMO Charter Template

Resource Overview

A project management office (PMO) charter to document scope, decision rights, and executive sponsorship.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to get organizational alignment and obtain approval for the creation of a project management office (PMO).

Our Solution

We created the PMO Charter Template so that you can use as a starting point for building a project management (PMO) office. Be sure to customize this Microsoft Word template according to your business needs. When required, delete the sample text provided and fill in the blanks with information that is directly related to your project.

This template covers the following areas:

  • Overview
  • Description
  • Goals
  • Structure & Governance
  • Process
  • Key Success Factors
  • Risk Identification
  • Communications Plan
  • Decision Rights


Key Benefits

  • increased credibility for executive sponsor
  • 12-page professional charter template
  • support for budget approval
  • save 6 hours on formatting
  • can be customized to suit your needs


Microsoft Word Document

Estimated Time Required: 6 Hours

Skills Required: Business Writing