Marketing Automation ROI Calculator

Resource Overview

Use this to calculate the overall financial impact that Marketing Automation can have on your business.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to measure the overall financial impact that Marketing Automation can have on your business.

Our Solution

We created the Marketing Automation ROI Calculator to assist you in measuring the overall impact of adding Marketing Automation to your business.  Use this Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to calculate the overall financial impact that Marketing Automation can have on lead generation, lead scoring and lead nurturing.

You can use the results and corresponding graphical representation to either help you build a business case for acquiring a Marketing Automation solution or to demonstrate results based data from a newly acquired system.

Key Benefits

  • calculates ROI for you
  • identifies financial impact to your business
  • provides a basis to build a business case
  • save 4 hours on formatting
  • automatically generates reports


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Estimated Time Required: 2 Hours

Skills Required: Financial Analysis